Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Exploring Kid Pix

In class today we started using a program called Kid Pix. This is an artisitc and animated program that we as teachers can use to create 'Powerpoint presentations,' slideshows and to simply make our lessons more engaging and fun! This program is easy enough where students can use it themselves to create interactive responses such as book reports, narrated by themselves; what a cool spin on the ordinary written book project!
After spending some time investigating this program, I am confident that the creators have every interest in making this extremely student-user friendly. Instead of the typical 'Undo' button there is numerous buttons that destroy the current page or image with wild graphics that kids would love.
I strongly encourage teachers to look into this program and to introduce it to their students or school staff to see if it would work well in your classroom or school setting. Programs such as Kid Pix can take your classroom from creative and exciting to effective, efficient, and engaging!

Monday, January 26, 2009

What I have learned about Graphic Design

There are four principles on Graphic Design:
-calls attention to visual elements
-visuals that are different should be very different
-too much contrast doesn't capture contrast
-repetition of visuals or info. creates a sense of connectedness
-repetition of content can reinforce content
-recognizes natural human processes
-builds on habits and patterns
-works with the movement of eyes to facilitate info. processing
-visual elements that are similar should be grouped
-logical grouped progression throughout document

First Blog Ever

Hello everyone! My name is Jessica and this is my first blog ever!