Tuesday, August 3, 2010

1,000+ miles and we made it...

After two and a half days, one speeding ticket, many shady gas stations, tornado alley and the most boring stretch of Kansas ever..we made it to New Mexico! Emily and I are living in the "West Wing" (yes just like the forbidden wing from Beauty and the Beast) of the dorm here at McCurdy school. We're going to be busy this week before school starts, but we are excited to meet everyone and enjoy some sunshine! Our rooms are big, but a little sketch...we are very blessed back at home! So far Facebook is working, but that could change any minute-look for pictures soon! :)


  1. Actually, when I see the "West Wing" I think of the White House, or the television show. That shows the social studies nerd in me I guess! Keep the blog updates coming!

  2. It's shipped!...but they said it wouldn't be there until next Thursday...keep looking for it though! :) Maybe it will get there early??
